/ / Home Design Trends: Highlights from the 2024 Utah Valley Parade of Homes

Home Design Trends: Highlights from the 2024 Utah Valley Parade of Homes

Interior Decor | Uncategorized

If you’ve been following my stories, you may have caught glimpses of the stunning homes I toured during the Utah Valley Parade of Homes. This annual event highlights home design trends in 30+ homes ranging from 1,600 to 15,000 sq. ft. This year, I was excited to see a new embrace of warmth, texture, and natural elements because these are all the same trends I’ve incorporated into my new build.

Design Trend: Arched Selfie Mirror

6 Home Design Trends from the UV Parade of Homes:

1. Warm Tones are Making a Comeback

Designers are starting to incorporate more than just white and gray and I saw extensive incorporation of warm tones. Think rich, earthy hues like terracotta and deep greens. These bold colors add depth and coziness to rooms like this:

Warm Tones are Making a Comeback

2. Arched Details

Arched details are making a strong statement in 2024. Whether it’s doorways or windows , curved lines bring architectural interest while also being a classic design. This particular image features white oak proud jams that frame the passage ways. You will see this design detail in my new home as well!

Arched Doorway Details

3. Bringing the Outside In

This year, we’re bringing the outside in with masonry stone and plaster details. These materials have been used for fireplaces, but I’m starting to see them used for feature walls and kitchen backsplashes.

Masonry stone feature walls

4. The Return of Wood Cabinetry

Wood cabinetry is back and it’s being mixed with other finishes to create visually interesting kitchens. Whether it’s a full set of rich walnut cabinets or oak accents, wood brings warmth and texture, making kitchens feel more lived-in and inviting.

Home design trends: Wood Cabinetry

5. Wallpaper is Still Going Strong

Wallpaper continues to be a favorite for adding personality and charm to rooms. From bold patterns to subtle textures, it’s an easy way to add a layer of depth to a smaller space (like a powder room or entryway).

Home design trends: wallpaper

6. Mixed Metal Finishes

While brass has been a staple in home design for several years, we’re now seeing it mixed with silver tones and iron finishes. The kitchen below is mixed with all different finishes but you can see how it all comes together nicely.

home design trends: Mixed Metal Finishes

Design Trends in My New-Build

I’ve incorporated all of these elements in my new-build and it’s validating to see these home design trends on the rise! One thing I needed inspiration for was lighting, decor, and trim detailing, as I will be handling much of that myself in the future. (You know I’m already planning future DIY projects!)

I highly recommend viewing the Utah Valley Parade of Homes for design inspiration and for those who can’t travel, there’s a virtual option available! There’s only a few days left of the event and tickets are $25.

Check out the UV Parade website for more details and to purchase tickets.

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